in GUI Development by
Our application uses several sliders.

In EW the slider are working.

On the target hardware the sliders do not work. The touch driver receives touch positions.

1 Answer

0 votes


Well this is not much information...

Can you please verify that the touch events are inserted properly into the UI application within your main.c?

Have a look to this question/answer which covers the same issue.

Best regards



Hi Manfred,

regarding the link, you provided, my code looks quite different:

Since there is no GetTouchPosition(), EwBspGetTouchPosition() might be the correct one to look for.

But this function only returns 1 (touch received) or 0 (no touch received).

Also the code in main.c looks differen:

    /* receive touch inputs and provide the application with them */
    if ( EwBspGetTouchPosition( &touchPos ))
      /* begin of touch cycle */
      if ( touched == 0 )
        CoreRoot__DriveCursorHitting( rootObject, 1, 0, touchPos );

      /* movement during touch cycle */
      else if ( touched == 1 )
        CoreRoot__DriveCursorMovement( rootObject, touchPos );

      touched = 1;
      events  = 1;
    /* end of touch cycle */
    else if ( touched == 1 )
      CoreRoot__DriveCursorHitting( rootObject, 0, 0, touchPos );
      touched = 0;
      events  = 1;

The variable touched never gets set.



so you can try the following code to see whether the touch cycle is complete:

   /* receive touch inputs and provide the application with them */
    if ( EwBspGetTouchPosition( &touchPos ))
      /* begin of touch cycle */
      if ( touched == 0 )
        EwPrint( "Down\n" );
        CoreRoot__DriveCursorHitting( rootObject, 1, 0, touchPos );

      /* movement during touch cycle */
      else if ( touched == 1 )
        EwPrint( "Move\n" );
        CoreRoot__DriveCursorMovement( rootObject, touchPos );

      touched = 1;
      events  = 1;
    /* end of touch cycle */
    else if ( touched == 1 )
      EwPrint( "Up\n" );

      CoreRoot__DriveCursorHitting( rootObject, 0, 0, touchPos );
      touched = 0;
      events  = 1;

If the sequences are not 'Down', 'Move'....'Move', 'Up' then you should have a closer look to your EwBspGetTouchPosition() implementation of the used touch driver.

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