in GUI Development by

The contents of my display should look like this:

Normally this does work as expected. But after some time, the display looks very strange:

Sometimes after some touch operations the display recovers to normal operation, sometimes I have to boot the device.

1 Answer

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mysterious ... if the error case occurs, do you get some error messages on the console?

Best regards

Paul Banach
Hi Paul,

in the picture I didn't exchange the real background by the rectangle, because the problem did also exist without the background image.

Clock and some elements in the header are not updated correctly, but elements in the footer are displayed correctly. The fragments on the clock are the remains of the hour handle.

No, they don't depend. The both problems do not occur at the same time. The error message is displayed any time I open or close a dialog in the bottom part. The background is changed independently from this, because it ist triggered by some external event, which is coming from serial port.

This is my status quo:

  • in the profile I switched StringConstants to DirectAccess
  • this is not possible for BitmapResources, becaus the hex file would rise to 45MB
  • switching ConcurrentOperation in ew_bsp_graphics.c seems to have no impact
  • modifying MPU configuration improved the whole system: The scrambled screen didn't show up til now, the ewgfx.c:984 error shows up sometimes.
Can I send my MPU configuration for a checkup, if your ST specialists are back from holidays?

it sounds good! Regarding your questions:

- Is 45 MB a problem? I thought your system has 128 MB flash.

- Review of MPU settings is of course possible. As soon as our specialist is back, he can analyze it.

- Regarding the error message: as mentioned above it is related to RAM size limitation. Your options are:

Option 1: activate DirectAccess for Bitmaps.

Option 2: The value 45 MB indicates, that your project contains a lot of large images. Are really all images necessary? Maybe, you can replace some images by filled rectangles?

Option 3: as explained at the begining of the thread you can also change bitmaps which are not necesarily RGBA to ALPAH8 which reduces the memory size.

Option 4: Verify the initialization of the memory manager. How much RAM is assigned to the manager? If possible assign more RAM.

Best regards

Paul Banach
Last week you suggested, that one of your ST specialists would review my MPU settings. To whom should I send my data?

send it to support@embedded-wizard.de and please refer to this thread.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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