in GUI Development by

I'm updating a vertical list dynamically in my project following one of your example which I've attached here. When it is the only thing in a separate project it is working fine. But when I add this implementation to my project which has many units and classes, I'm getting following errors and the vertical list is not updating. I'm attaching the error messages and the sample implementation which I add to my project here. Could you please help me with this?



1 Answer

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Hello Thanushiyah,

it seems you have uploaded only the Datalog.ewp file or I have overseen something? To test your application we would require the complete project, which is composed of the *.ewp and *.ewu files and evtl. image files used as bitmap resources your project.

Also helpful would be to see the starting error messages for callstack backtrace level #1 and #0. They indicate the ultimate location where the execution stopped.

Does the error occur immediately when you e.g. start the application or later after playing a while with it?

Best regards

Paul Banach


I've attached the simplified version of my project. In this example I'm not getting any issue. This is working fine. But when i add this code to my project, it is endlessly looping in the place where I get no of logs (GetNoOfLogs). This happens when I start the application itself. I've attached the error messages I get when I terminate the execution. 

If number of logs zero , it will come out and display empty list. 


Please help me to figure out what mistake I'm making here.

Thank you.


Hello Thanushiyah,

the implementation seems to be correct. I don't see any problems. If the problem occurs with your remaining project implementation, I would focus on the differences between the working and not working version.

But when i add this code to my project, it is endlessly looping in the place where I get no of logs (GetNoOfLogs).

Difficult to deduce what is wrong without knowing the implementation. Does the invocation of GetNoOfLogs() eventually trigger an update of the list recursively? Try to comment out code blocks, block by block and so narrow down the affected code section.

Best regards



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