in GUI Development by

Thanks for Paul reply.

But sorry, this solution is for one level OSD tree and explain by me demo PROJECT of mail. I need solution for two level OSD tree. so my file of quection(Excel) is related by Menus of demo of Embeddid Wizard. Detail information please refer the picture of attached of this quesion. (http://ask.embedded-wizard.de/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=3922945254535222115) ('x:\Program Files (x86)\EmbeddedWizard\Examples_Mosaic20\Menus')

I explain this question by other words: I need SELECT(No need ACTIVE) menu by hot-key and can cross two and more level OSD menus, is this possible to implement by Embeddid Wizard?

related to an answer for: GUI control by hot key.

1 Answer

0 votes
The solution should work for two (or more) levels. This functionality is addressed in the description 'Aspect 1' as well as the source code above it.

In 'Aspect 1' you will find the necessary adaptation to allow a top-level menu to open a sub-menu. This will work with shortcuts. In the source code above you will find a code starting with comment 'The range of shortcuts from the e.g. 'picture menu''. The following code opens the top-level menu and feeds it with a shortcut to open the next menu.

Let me know if you need more details.

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