in System Integration by

I am using Embedded wizard in STM32F429 custom board.

Our application has a menu at the bottom of the screen and displays the current time in the menu like the Windows OS.

The operation stops after a certain time after the power is turned on.

When the operation stops, the call trace is as follows.

In which case does this problem occur?



1 Answer

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do you have a serial interface / terminal window connected to your hardware in order to receive error messages? Maybe there is a helpful message that was sent before this error happens.

I assume that there is some problem before this assertion happens, e.g. some memory overwriting.

Can you post the complete output that is printed via serial interface?

Additional idea: Maybe the SDRAM is not working 100% correctly (timing not perfect) so that there are some read errors. In case that the refresh is not correctly, the read data may be erroneous. Can you make a memory test?

Best regards,


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