in GUI Development by


I'm trying to create more options on the FeedDialog, creating FeedButtons to be chosen and the new ones don't work properly. 
I mean, when I click on the new ones, it doesn't select them.

I've changed the slot onUpdate in the FeedWindow and FeedDialog, setting the new FeedButtons.

The image shows it, 4 on the top are the original ones and on the bottom are the new ones. 

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi Lucas,

in order to add more options to the buttons / dialogs, please make the following changes:

  • Add more frames to the image Cutter::PaperStripe
  • Enhance the class PaperFeed in order to support more Types (within the method OnSetType)
  • Enhance the class FeedButton in order to support more Types (within the method OnSetType)
  • Add additional buttons to the FeedDialog and enhance the method onUpdate()
  • Finally, adapt the limits of the property PaperType within the Cutter::DeviceClass (within the method OnSetPaperType)

Does it work?

Best regards,


Hi Manfred, I was missing this last part.
Thanks a lot!

Have a great day

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