in System Integration by
Hi All,

 I've swapped out the 4.3" TFT with a 7" TFT (Newhaven NHD-7.0-800480EF-ASXN#-CTP). It has the same exact pinout for the TFT. Resolution is 800x480. I updated the NxpLpc Profile in my EW Project to be x=800 y=480. And the application::application items etc. I also updated the framebuffer #defines in ewmain.c as such:

#define FRAME_BUFFER_WIDTH    800

But I'm just getting a solid white screen. What am I forgettin to do? Do I need to change some other #define?!

1 Answer

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Figured it out. It was the Hsync and Vsync settings. Back and front porch etc


// Rocktech LCD
#define APP_LCD LCD
#define LCD_PANEL_CLK 9000000
#define LCD_HSW 2
#define LCD_HFP 8
#define LCD_HBP 43
#define LCD_VSW 10
#define LCD_VFP 4
#define LCD_VBP 12
#define APP_LCD_IRQHandler LCD_IRQHandler

// Newhaven NHD-7.0-800480EF-ASXN#-CTP LCD
#define APP_LCD LCD
#define LCD_PANEL_CLK 30000000
#define LCD_HSW 48     // hsync pulse width?
#define LCD_HFP 40     // front porch
#define LCD_HBP 88     // back porch
#define LCD_VSW 3     // vsync pulse width
#define LCD_VFP 13     //front porch
#define LCD_VBP 32     // back porch
#define APP_LCD_IRQHandler LCD_IRQHandler

Great that you managed to get the display running. As you already found out, the screen dimension has to be adapted within the profile settings and in ewmain.c. Additionally, the display settings have to be adapted within the file /TargetSpecific/ew_bsp_display.c: It is important to adjust your pinout, polarity, timings, color format and layer settings according your dedicated display.

Thanks for posting the results!

For others that have similar issues, please have a look to the article Bring-up on customer specific hardware.

Best regards,


Thanks for the further link Manfred. One subsequent question(s)... I'm looking at possibly using a Goodix GT911 captouch chipset instead of the Focaltech FT5336. NXP provides the, oddly named, fsl_ft5406.c for use with its FT5336 display. Which I assume is compatible with the FT5406...? Anyhow, could you point me at a GT911 driver by chance for the LPCexpresso?

Sorry... but this is not my core competence... The interface for the GUI application is a function that provides the touch coordinates from any touch driver (see /TargetSpecific/ew_bsp_touch.c) - without knowing the details about the touch driver itself.

Maybe this topic is better addressed within a NXP forum.

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