in GUI Development by

Hi Team,

I have a query related to using strings excel for generating the font.txt file for the strings used in the excel

As explained in the strings excel "

'Generate Font Range' will report all used characters from the page 'StringTable'. As a result, the file 'FontRange.txt' is generated.

we use the given ranges from this file to limit the character codes of your font resources to the absolute minimum: Only those characters are converted by the Font Converter, that are really necessary for your UI project.

In Our case we dont want to limit the characters codes for example if my languages in chinese and i have 20k character set for the language irespective of the characters used we need font generator to generate character code for all the characters.

below are my questions:

1. how do i achive the above scenario?

2. how to import this into embedded wizard.

3. Could you please brief us on how exactly Font generator does for our scenario?



Chaitra S G


1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Chaitra,

in case you do not want to use the generated font range from the Excel sheet macro you can define your own font range within your font resources. The macro is just in case you want to reduce the font range to the absolute minimum. In case your application will display strings dynamically, you have to provide a larger font range. Please have a look to the description of the attribute Ranges.

For example, if you want to use the range from 0x4E00 to 0x62FF you can set the attribute Ranges to 0x20-0xFF,0x4E00-0x62FF.

I hope this answers your question.

Best regards,


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