in GUI Development by


I'm facing a problem as  below

I group yellow area into a class. When I move class following Y coordinate, some of part inside class not move correspoding.

Image1, Image2 transition Y+2 coordinate

Text1, Text2 still Y coordinate

Can anyone help me explain why


1 Answer

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Hello Francessco,

without seeing the implementation it is difficult to find the reason for the described behavior.

Can you post the code that changes the position of your items Image1...Image4 and Text1...Text4?

In principle, if you change the vertical position of all items (e.g. via Item.Bounds.origin.y = Item.Bounds.origin.y + delta) all items should change their location.

Best regards,


I group text & 1 into 1 class and it work now.

Any, I still don't know why how EW layout into Application Class

There is one chapter in our online documentation, describing the aspect component layout - hope this gives you some answers.

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