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I want to create customize scroll bar. I have gone thorugh the below link, but not able to acheive what I want? 




1 Answer

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Could you please elaborate your question a little bit more? At what point did you encounter problems?

Best regards

Paul Banach


I want to create scroll bar with below configuration:-

1) width 4 px, height: 100px, scroll icon in blue color and scrollable bar is in faded black color as shown in above image.

I tried create above customize scroll bar using resource: Verticle Scrollbar Config but not able to do so.  Or else is there any example avaliable on how to create customize scroll bar as per our requirement.  



I still don't understand the problem. Can you explain "I tried create above customize scroll bar using resource: Verticle Scrollbar Config but not able to do so.". At what point did you encounter problems?

The customization is explained in the article you have mentioned above.

Best regards

Paul Banach


Some hint: if you are looking for examples, in the unit WidgetSet you see divers autoobjects. You can analyze the autoobject VerticalScrollbar_Medium as example:


When you select the autoobject you see in Inspector its properties. These properties configure this version of scrollbar. You will need to create your own autoobject and configure its properties - as explained in the documentation:

Best regards

Paul Banach

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