in Getting started by

I'm playing with the QuickTour Demo on my PC.

However, I'd like to run this demo on my STM32F769 dicovery board.

Could you please let me know where I can find any existing guide for it?



1 Answer

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Dear Wonho,

the QuickTour example is just a starting example independent from any target - thus, the example contains only a profile for the Win32 Platform Package (which is available in every Embedded Wizard installation).

In order to get started on the  STM32F769 Discovery board, please follow the instructions from the article 'Getting started with STM32F769 Discovery'

Now, if you want to run the QuickTour example (or any other example) on this target, you can use the 'Template' project of the STM32F769 build environment. Just follow the instructions you will find in the section 'Creating your own UI Applications' in the above article.

I hope this helps...


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