Hi all,
I am developing a GUI on the i.MX RT1050 EVKB.
Normally the GUI will be developed with a 4.3 inch, 480 x 272 LCD display.
I am trying to chage the 4.3 inch monitor to a 7 inch, 800 x 480 LCD.
If the screen size is not changed in embedded wizard, i.e. 480 x 272, the GUI will not scretch and duplicated once vertically and the duplicated GUI is cropped as it reaches the bottom of the screen. All the other other region remains black.

If the scren size is changed to 800 x 480, only the same region worked in the 480 x 272 setting will display and the GUI become some kind of noise or random pixels.

Is there any way to solve it?
Thank you so much!