in GUI Development by

Hi...I saw the questiom by Bastin...

Solar demo example and your beutiful answer...

I wanted to develope this example in a way that on hand the plotter show for example a "sin" or "cos" fuctions or any other periodic function and on the other hand the speed of the sin chart could be adjustable.you know like osiloscope that by "time/div" we can adjust time of chart(20ms,500ms,1s...) .....

You know,I tried a lot to do this but really i faced with lots of errors!!!

Even It could not show sin chart properly!!You know because "simpower" is int32 the chart in integer number is just a vertical line and because we dont have a setting like "time/div" the chart is compressed!!

May you help to solve this hard problem?I think CHORA programming is too hard!......... pleasee help me Master, Now it is too mysterious for me!!

Thanks a lot....

4 Answers

0 votes
Hi Ronald,

Have you already had a look at the Oscilloscope demo which is also deployed within the Examples folder? Hope that helps...

0 votes
Hi Ronald,

maybe the best starting sample for making some experiments with plotting sin/cos functions is the 'Waveform Generator' sample which you will find within the example folder.

This demo calculates a list of coordinates and shows them as function graph.

Best regards,

Hi Manfred

Yes is saw them.....but I wanna do something like them on the plotter...

They are diffrent Master!!!

In This example means solar,I should do something with Niddle...

The problem is this...The way of programming & codding is diffrent from "wave generator"&"osiloscope"...!!!!

Please Master,Please help me in better way...It has been two weeks that I have challenged with "wave generator "&"osiloscope" examples but they couldent help me.!

Thanks if you answer me.....
0 votes

Hi Ronald,

here you will find a simple data plotter sample (based on the solar demo):


This demo just contains the data plotter from the solar demo and is now feed with data values from a sinus data source. If you want to adapt the timing and/or the data source, just have a look into the class Application::PlotterPanel - there you will find a timer and slot method, that feeds the data plotter with the values.

Finally, it looks like this:

I hope this helps.

Best regards,


Thanks my freind Manfred

You are really intelligent & perfect...

I figured out my problem....I were near to youre answer in some part...

But really you are uniqe!!!

Thanks a lot MASTER ....
Hi my dear freind Manfred

I downloaded youre answer it was perfect and culd help me BUT.......

you knwo I discoverd a problem .In Application::PlotterPanel ,in slot part , because you put   " t " variant as a argument in sin function,just we can change time of this sin chart.

if we change data source of  plotter in slot ( for an example data source is many different value in random in -100 to +100 renge) we cant change time (velocity) or time/dive of chart.!

My opinion was that should consider x axis for time and y axis (here niddle) for data value .In this case in a way that idont know we could change scale of time axis(velocity) with a rotate touch .The "t" variant should be independent from data source .
May you correct youre answer please?

THANKS if you answer soon Mr Manfred.
please answer me soon Manfred
please answer me soon Manfred

It neccessary for me my freind
0 votes

Hi Ronald,

again, another version or the data plotter sample - this time you can modify the paper speed and the current value by using a slider.

Pleas download here: http://ask.embedded-wizard.de/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=3654227425778691358

And so it will appear:

Hope this helps.

Best regards,


Hi Manfred

Dear freind please pay attention to my question ...

I really thanks because of youre try to answer my question but it was not answer of my question dear..

pleease consider that we have a data source like a rectangle/triangular pulse or a data source like solar demo that the function" math_rand "feed plotter which was a random source.You Know because we dont have a real data suorce for feeding "math_rand" function is sutible for our develoption.YOU KNOW just adjusting of velocity should be optional not value of data source!

we should can adjust velocity of a data source that it feed plotter priodly.some thing like datalogger that in our develoption by slider we should can expand chart of recieved data by slider velocity.for example with slider we can adjust time of logging data by datalogger.

(each 500ms 0r 1s)

thanks is you answer

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