in System Integration by

When I try to download the the example UI "HelloWorld", it is showing  "stm32f429i_discovery.h : no such file or directory".

i folllowed all the steps decribed in the "Getting started with STM32F769 Discovery" page, but its showing like that. why? please help. I am new to EWP tool

My board is showing indications that it is taking flash memory by led blinking. but not showing any result on screen and shows only white screen .what to do?

please answer me asap

1 Answer

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Hi praveen_georg,

Just for the avoidance of doubts: You mention that you are working with the STM32F429 disvovery board. However, this platform is different compared to the STM32F769 discovery board you are refering to. Have you already tried to follow the instructions as described within the STM32F429 howto http://ask.embedded-wizard.de/240/getting-started-with-stm32f429-discovery?


Thankyou for the reply sir,


sorry for the mismatch,
 i foolowed the steps for  STM32F429 not  STM32F7
Ok - just a further question: Do you get some messages or errors when you open your build environment console?
when open very first time, the paths are different for STLINK and STM32Fx_Path. so i changed that by editing the cmd file. then no other issues occured
Did you modifiy and adapt the related Makefiles as well? Perhaps it would be good to keep the directory structure as mentioned within the howto.
no. not yet...
can i compile and link this all using MDK-ARM -5

and one more thing i am using evalution version of the EW, is there any step changes?
The current build environments and libs are set-up with GCC only. From the build-env's point of view there's no difference between the professional and the evaluation edition.
can you give me a video tutorial link
As of now there's unfortunately no video tutorial available, but we are working on that...

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