in GUI Development by
I wanted to create a screen, which has around 9 images in it. The component size is 800x480. All the images are fitting in the screen. I have added all the images into 'OUTLINE' and added a vertical scrollbar. Even then only 6 images are visible because of the component size. Is there any way we can make the screen expandable to hold all the images and vertically scroll in it. Basically want the screen to hold any number of components possibles despite on the main component size(800x480).)

1 Answer

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Hello Geentha,

can you provide a figure explaining the situation or some example project? We don't understand what you intend to achieve.

Best regards

Paul Banach


PFA- for the scrollable image which I require.

My component size here is 800x480. I'm unable to fit all the 9 images within my component.

Could you suggest any solution for this.

Hello Geentha,

The provided image, does it show the desired or the incorrect case? Please explain it more in detail. Without knowing your implementation it is difficult to give you the right indication. Generally, if there is enough space to show all 9 images, I don't see any reason why this should not work. Maybe, you can provide a small example project?

Best regards

Paul Banach
Hi Paul,

The provided image actually shows all the nine images and these images are scrollable.

I want these 9 images to fit inside 800x480 component and it should be scrollable.

Hi Geentha,

which images are scrollable? The above 6 and 3 below are fixed? Does the image show the outputs in the device? Or is it what you intend to implement? In the last case, can you provide an image demonstrating what is wrong?

I understood, you have already implemented the component by using Outline Box. Outline Box is ideal to scroll larger contents. But I still don't understand what exact problem do you have. Have you seen the section Use Outline Box to arrange the views in rows and columns. Please note the example project included there.

For better understanding, can you explain what do you mean with "make the screen expandable to hold all the images and vertically scroll in it"?

Best regards

Paul Banach

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