in Embedded Wizard Studio by


Is it possibe to change some of the default settings in Embedded Wizard Studio?

There are few settings I would like to change.

1 - How do I stop it playing a tune when the compiler finishes? I work in a busy office and the sound is destracting my co workers. I can of course turn down the PC Speakers but then I miss other important PC elerts like new mail. There should be a option to suppress audio on any PC App but I cannot seem to find it.

2 - Can I disable the Are You Sure dialog box for close all Composers? I use that feature all the time and having a dialogue box asking me to confirm every time is very annoying and not at all helpful. 

3 - Is there a way of changing the default code for the setter methods. The default setter is written as:

// The value doesn't change - nothing to do.
if ( pure Property == value )

// Remember the property's new value.
pure Property = value;

// TO DO:
// Now you can handle the alternation of the property.

It is very poor programming practice to have multiple returns in any method. The return statement (or implicit return if the method is void) should only ever exist once and should always be the very last instruction in the method so it is clear to the reader exactly where the method exit point is. Having multile return points makes the code much harder to follow and to debug. This is one of the main causes of program bugs and should be avoided at all time. There is no valid use case for multiple returns, they are akin to using a goto instruction!

It is very easy with properly structured code and is a mandatory coding standard for our organisation and others that I have worked for. Good code structuring is key to readable and reliable code.

The correct implementation is of course:

// Only process when the property changes
if ( pure Property != value )
    pure Property = value;

    // TO DO:
    // Now you can handle the alternation of the property.

 It is time consuming having to rewite this every time I create a new propery setter. There are several other defaults that I would like to change for various reasons. I feel that if you are going to default code it should be a) well structured and b) changable otherwise it just slows down the development process and becomes a hindrance.

Best Regards


1 Answer

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regarding your first question, in our newest version 8.0 we removed the sound feedback functionality.

Regarding your second question, currently it is not possible to disable the message dialog. I put your suggestion on our To-Do list.

Regarding your third question, you can create your own templates containing modified implementation. For this purpose.

1. In the Gallery window click with the right mouse button and select from the local menu the command 'Create new folder'. Note, new folders are named with random names.

2. Click again with right mouse button and select the command 'Rename folder...'. Give the just created folder a name e.g. 'My Templates'.

3. In the Gallery switch to the folder 'Chora' where the original Property template is found.

4. Select the original 'Property' template and drag-and-drop it over the caption of your just created folder 'My Templates'.

5. Open the Windows Explorer and go to the directory YourUserName\AppData\Local\Embedded Wizard\My Templates.EWGF

6. In the folder you will find the just duplicated property template file. You can open and edit it with your prefered code editor.

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