in System Integration by

we produce devices that communicate through Modbus protocol RS485. We would like to know if we could implement your software management with our protocol communication. is it feasible? could you suggest us some documents or some tutorials?

waiting forward your kind answer,

Best Regards

1 Answer

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of course it is feasible to combine an Embedded Wizard UI application with your own communication protocols. Moreover, every UI application needs to read/write data from/to a certain target or to communicate with a certain hardware device by using a customer specific protocol.

Let me refer to the article "Device class and device driver - How to integrate a device?" - especially the second chapter contains the necessary basics about integrating your own drivers.

I hope this answers your questions...

Best regards!

To understand the device driver I tried to compile the DeviceIntegration Example, but the file /ewfiles.inc is missing...
Then it seems that you did not generate the code for the DeviceIntegration sample.

At first open the Embedded Wizard project and generate code for the UI application, then open the build console and try to compile again...

Same story as for the HelloWorld project :-)
Yes, I done this...

I think that the file Main.c isen't correct for this example. It is possible?
I'm very confident that the sample works... :-)

What Build Environment are you using? Did you make a proper installation as written in one of the Getting Started articles? Did you successfully run the HelloWorld application on your target?

Yes, Hello word work correclty.

I copy the main.c from the hello project and now works quite well but  

I open the Embedded wizar studio 8.00, the open the progect DeviceIntegration.ewp, select the path for the profile STM32Fx on \STM32F746-Discovery\Example\DeviceIntegration, I build the progect.

Then I l launch the StartBuildEnviroment.bat (STM32F746-Discovery\Build) type cd DeviceIntegration and the make install... now there is this errore

./obj/Application.o: In function `ApplicationDeviceClass_OnSetLedStatus':
Application.c:(.text+0x80a): undefined reference to `DeviceDriver_SetLedStatus
./obj/Application.o: In function `ApplicationApplication_SlotHelloWorld':
Application.c:(.text+0x7ec): undefined reference to `DeviceDriver_PrintMessage
./obj/Application.o: In function `ApplicationDeviceClass_CommandPrint':
Application.c:(.text+0x88a): undefined reference to `DeviceDriver_PrintMessage
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [EmWiApplication] Error 1


It seems that you did not use the makefile form the device integration sample - the file DeviceDriver.c is missing - as a result you get unresolved externals from linker.

The DeviceIntegration sample is running out of the box, there is no need to adapt any path or to copy/replace any file.

The main.c from HelloWorld will NOT work, because it does not use the device driver.

I just verified the sample once again and it is working fine without any modification. Just use it without any changes...

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