in Platform Packages by

Does/will Embedded Wizard support the ESP32-S2 chip? I attempted to run the ESP32 sample applications on the ESP32-S2-Kaluga kit, but flashing fails due to the chip mismatch. 

2 Answers

0 votes

first of all try it on ESP32 Dev Kit v1 or ESP32 Wrover kit.

Dont use external SPI RAM , on ESP32 Dev kit i fot failed to run for the first time due to External SPI RAM enabled in configuration , and after disabling it may be you can Run it.

God luck.
0 votes


let me recommend to use our new Embedded Wizard Build Environment for ESP32-S2-Kaluga which is now online available.

Just for your information: The ESP32-S2-Kaluga contains the ESP32-S2 core, which is not binary compatible to ESP32 (used within the ESP-WROVER-KIT). Thus flashing/execution was not working.

Best regards,


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