in Embedded Wizard Studio by
I have accidentally 'undocked' my Embedded Wizard Studio toolbar/window but how can I get them back into the 'docked' state?

1 Answer

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The EmWi windows and toolbars are docked by default at their default position. To undock a window or toolbar, double-click on the horizontal or vertical docking-bar.

To dock them again, double-click in the Header area of the undocked window. The monitor windows for Variables, Callstack, Chora Objects and Garbage Collector can’t be docked at all. To change the docking position, click on the horizontal or vertical docking-bar and keep the left mouse button pressed. Then you can drag the window or toolbar and a rectangular border will preview the docking position.

If you can’t get a window/toolbar docked or undocked by the described methods, it is possible to restore the default docking by removing the complete registry-key

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TARA Systems\EmbeddedWizard\4.0\Workspace

with RegEdit.

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