in Platform Packages by
If i have one bought one license(node locked to one laptop) and i devlop code in this lptop . can i use the same code with platform package source code and run in another laptop.

I can run my code in the laptop in which i have installed pro version embedded wizard studio + cora c but in another laptop i have error like "External loder could not be parsed".


In all you dicovery board you have used the touch driver ft53336 and i have a custom board with ft5426 . is it enough to change the serial interface (that is i2c pins) interrupt pin and Reset pin.

Also , if i change the register address acccording to ft5426 can i the use the same touch driver code of stm32f746dicovery board. (and ew_bs_touch.c and .h files to my code).

1 Answer

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first of all, it would be better to open separate questions for the different topics instead of putting all things together...

Concerning the license model, let me refer to our website about the different license models of Embedded Wizard Studio.

Concerning the error message "External loder could not be parsed" - it is not clear where this message appears. Is it within Embedded Wizard Studio, does it appear on the target?

Concerning a custom specific touch driver - yes you can adapt ew_bsp_touch.c to access ft5426 instead of ft5336 - or you take the touch driver code from another board that is identical to your hardware. It is the goal of ew_bsp_touch.c to provide a uniform interface independent from the underlying touch hardware.

Best regards,



External loader error occurs in my STM32CUBEIDE.

with touch sensor i adpted the code of ft5336 and stm32f746 dicovery board is similar to our board stm32f77nihx.

i changed the registers according to our datasheet.

I get the X and Y coordinate but i dont get any value in TuchId , where i get the value 0. Is this correct or touchid is something else?

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