Our code is getting crashed after some time when it is kept running continuously for unit testing.
I would like to brief you about it:
GUI screen is controlled by gRPC protocol – gRPC is a modern open-source high performance Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework that can run in any environment – it is acting as middle layer which sends request to EW Application as per Main Application requirement and related screen and screen live data is shown at EW Code and on key pressed event, response is sent back to Main Application through gRPC.
Currently request and response is running continuously and only 2 screens are getting displayed one by one in loop.
After some time, it is getting crashed.
It could be segmentation fault due to pointer behaviour; we are digging into it.
But would like to understand below code part from Core.c (it is for Linux Profile) and possible reason of crash and how to debug it.
On first screen some texts are there along with % value for loading(similar to battery management) and 1 bitmap image which is getting loaded through External Bitmap method + 5 functional keys.
Second screen consists of 12 Text Widgets – each widget has 2 texts + 5 texts + 16 (39*39 size) icons/images + 5 functional keys.
Observation – the loop is running approximately 400 times and gets crashed.
Crashing is observed on win32 profile as well.
Attached is the log observed for both the profile Win32/Linux profile
Note: Similar issue was not observed with Lower version i.e 8