in GUI Development by

 Is there any way to rotate Canvas? I'm trying to make widget similar to 'XFlat' Variance Controller, but want it to strat not at 0'. So i'm looking to Canvas rotating functions or may be any other ways to make it.

1 Answer

+1 vote

The XFlat Variance Controller is implemented to start/end at 0 - if you are looking for some indicator, that can start/end at any possion, please have a look to the class Charts::PieChart. This PieChart is able to draw a user defined bitmap as pie segment at any start/end angle.

You can either re-use this class or just the drawPie() method.

Does this answer your question? Otherwise, let us know the appearance and behavior of your widget.

Yes, that helped. It turned to be much easier then i thought. Thanks.

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