I have a question, I use an outline box and fill it with pushbuttons.
The filling follows when I switch to the page.
Now the problem is, when I click again on the site it adds the existing pushbutton with the new pushbutton
Means: 2 existing pushbuttons which are already present in the outline are added with 2 more = 4
We have already tried it with "FindSiblingView" unfortunately also without success
Is there somehow a way to completely delete the content of the outline box before I reload the content (The content is variable )
in the lower area you will find a few photos I hope it is understandable what I mean :-)
Thanks in advance, I hope you can help me how I could do this best.

Here the OutlineBox is filled and passed on to the Application OutlineList

Creating the pushbutton in the OutlineBox.

When you click again on the page it jumps to the RemoveItemes

We have tried to delete the content with the FindSiblingView but without success.