in GUI Development by

I have a question related to the first load of a screen. I see a delay the first load of a page related to the first creation of the object, using the GUI the next load are fast and the UI is responsive. The first time the delay cause a second pressure of the touch by the user because the UI seem not receive the input.

There are a way to precharge some object of the UI during the power-up of screen?

The load should be in background.

I have a 5 second splash screen useful to this operations.

Thank you


1 Answer

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Hi Michele,

I assume, that your screen(s) contain large (background) bitmaps, that have to be decompressed and loaded into SDRAM before they can be used. Depending on the size and the amount of images, this may take some time.

Maybe this answer http://ask.embedded-wizard.de/120/loading-of-big-images-takes-long-time helps you...

Best regards,


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