in Embedded Wizard Studio by

Hi You have an excellent Device Class and Device Driver  Article . But it would be great if you had a how to  GPIO plus  Device Class and Device Driver  Video . That would really get every one of to a fast start . As on screen graphics are useless unless they are controlling something etc. 

1 Answer

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Thank you for the feedback!

We planned to provide a couple of video tutorials in the near future.
Excellent !

Our Company Is Seriously Considering To buy Embedded Sor STM32F769 Boards .

But we have to to be sure to use it .

Can you Plase also do Video To link it to Keil MDK Compiler as we use keil only not GCC

Thanks for your feedback.

Concerning the usage of Keil MDK, please have a look to Using STM32 Build Environment with third party toolchain.


I tried to make flashing LED use Device  Class, but I get error , I make semple APP flowing Example but no work ???

Can help me 

Did you add the file devicedriver.c within the makefile?

If you are using the project 'Template' you have to add this file - please compare it with the project 'DeviceIntegration'.
Yes , I add devicedriver.c & devicedriver.h in '\...\Template\GeneratedCode'

When I use Example "DeviceIntegration" and deleat main.c file and use 'Template' with add

devicedriver.c & devicedriver.h in '\...\Template\GeneratedCode'

I get same Error , but with all function in example.
The Template project is intended to be used as starting project for your own UI application. If you want to add some device access into this template, just add your DeviceIntegration.c file to the template (same level as main.c) and add it to the makefile. Otherwise it will not be compiled and linked.

Please do not delete the main.c file...
it's Work .. Thank you so much,,,,,,
I think that the time passed and we yet don't have any tutorial about it. Please, do it.

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