in Embedded Wizard Studio by

Hello Team,

We are using IMXRT1170 with Embedded Wizard Platform Package for NXP iMX_RT_VGLite V11.00. Our display resolution is 800x480.

In our project, Bool effect is used to control the visibility of a view, to make it blink with a certain frequency. In some scenario, it is seen that the view blinks with a different frequency than the configured one. Could you please hint us with what factor might affect the timer that is used in the bool effect ?

Please find the properties attached:




1 Answer

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Hello Kavya,

I assume that the bool effect is running fine within the Prototyper - but on the target it behaves not as expected. This leads to a couple of questions:

What means "different frequency"? Is it just slower/faster or somehow irregular?

Can you reproduce the same on the IMXRT1170-EVK with the original Build Environment?

Are you using a different OS than FreeRTOS on your target?

Best regards,

Hello Manfred,

Yes, the bool effect is running fine within the Prototyper - but on the target it behaves not as expected.

Frequency is faster than expected. We are using EBOS with IMXRT1170-EVK



Hi Kavya,

o.k. in case that you have changed the operating system, please check that the timer ticks are provided correctly. Typically this is done in the file /TargetSpecific/ew_bsp_clock.c within the function EwBspClockGetTicks() - this function has to return the system tick in milliseconds. It is the source for all timers and effects within an Embedded Wizard GUI application. Maybe the function EwBspClockGetTicks() is not adapted correctly to your OS.

Best regards,


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