in System Integration by

My custom UI screens work on the STM32F746G Discovery board with QSPI disabled.

I used similar settings on my Custom board which uses STM32F767IIT Processor and Displaytech DT028CTFT LCD (320x240). EwInit() runs without any issues as shown below. 

I get the Unmanaged String found error for EW generated strings while processing the pending signals  (EwProcessSignals()). Any suggestions/recommendations to fix this issue?


1 Answer

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according to your description, your GUI application is running fine on the STM32F746 Discovery board - but results in some fatal errors when you run the same application on your custom specific hardware. Correct?

In most cases, these errors (and similar errors like a corrupted heap) are caused by some unreliable memory (SDRAM) content.

Let me recommend to use the SDRAM memory test and run this intensively on your hardware. Additionally, make some tests to read only the SDRAM after a couple of minutes, without doing a write operation - just to make sure that the refresh is working correctly.

Let me know the results...

Best regards,


I did the memory test but it failed for a byte write and read. We later found it was a hardware issue. The byte enable pins were swapped.

Thank you for the suggestion!
Thanks for the feedback. Great to hear that you found the root cause!

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