in GUI Development by
A lot of instances of customized class need to be created and accessed as global. How to implement it?

If  using autoobject, the value of member properties at the custmized class can't be initialized by the EWS.

3 Answers

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Best answer
An instance of class in a autoobject of other class can't be initialze by EWS. Add it to global.

Typically, autoobjects represent the data model of your application or serve as interfaces to the underlying target device.

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You can create an instance of a class dynamically during runtime by using the new operator. If the class is a visible component (derived from Core::View) and you want to make it visible on the screen, you need to Add() it.

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May be, what you are looking for are the Embedded Objects. Within one class you can nest instances of other classes.

Yes, you are right. EWS can only set the value to the embeded objects directly. I have to add lots of instance globally.

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