in System Integration by

Hello Embedded Wizard Support,
I am failing to set my linker file correct with regard to SDRAM section.
This is my SDRAM used by Embedded Wizard:

MemoryPool address                           0xC0124800  
MemoryPool size                              31158272 bytes
Framebuffer address                          0xC0000000  
Doublebuffer address                         0xC1EDB800  
Framebuffer size                             832 x 480 
EwScreenSize                                 480 x 800 
Graphics accelerator                         DMA2D      

What section here is free for me to use (if any?) 
If i want to have my own big arrays, strings, etc in RAM.
Thank you!

1 Answer

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I solved it.
Was giving entire 32MB to use, now only 16MB for Embedded Wizard and 16MB for myself.
You can configure the memory pool size within the file ewconfig.h.

Best regard,


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