in Platform Packages by


I wanted to know if EW provides any external image decoder package to be used while handling Extern Bitmap images for any image type.

I saw it mentioned in this answer. https://ask.embedded-wizard.de/5000/loading-external-images-and-servicing-gui?show=5002#a5002

Cam I get any more information about it.

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi samprati,
I guess your questions belongs to the PNG Decoder module. This is a custom module which allows to load PNG files during runtime based on an optimized PNG decoder written in ANSI-C. (no LibPNG!)
With kind regards,


Do we also have something similar to PNG Decoder for JPEG?

Hi samprati,
For the PNG decoding we use an own optimized decoder for embedded systems to be more efficient than the libPNG.
For JPEG, we did not spend this much effort so far, but you can use the libJPEG also to render the images and pass them to your Embedded Wizard UI. See this article for details.

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