in Embedded Wizard Studio by
I want to put a list in the MENU item.
Can you tell me what is the difference between VERTICAL LIST and LISTBOX?

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Can you tell me what is the difference between VERTICAL LIST and LISTBOX?

Vertical List implements the basic (low-level) functionality for scrollable lists. As such it provides the highest level of flexibility. On the other hand, it requires more coding to implement the desired behavior.

The List Box component template is more finished. Internally it uses a Vertical List and implements a lot of ready-to-use functionality typical to list boxes we know from diverse UI systems. It includes for example, the handling of touch or key events.

If the functionality implemented in the List Box component template does meet your expectations, then you can use it as it is. This is the advantage. If you expect the list to behave more individual, then you can either adapt the List Box component template to your needs, or implement your own list component containing the Vertical List inside it.

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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