in Getting started by

I followed all the steps on how to compile the first application on STM32F469 Discovery with embeded wizard,

on the devenv file , the gccvar.bat couldn't be openned and I can't move  on the Examples folder,

 "The system cannot find the path specified " 

1 Answer

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Hi, it seems that you started the script 'StartBuildEnvironment.bat' as Administrator (with explicit admin rights).

What happens if you just start the script with a double click from Explorer?

with {UserDocumentFolder} I mean the folder that Windows is using as your Documents folder, e.g. C:/Users/YourName/Documents

Is it moved to another location / another drive?

When I open the command Promot the path is C:/Users/MyName>

So do you mean that I have to put the folder of STM32 under that path ?
Please give it a try - I got some feedback that under Windows10 this might be an issue...
ok I am copying folders under this path and I will try again, and tell you . thank you for your help.

This is the same problem that let me put the gcc folder and the stmCube on the Build folder : and even i try to see the path with echo %~dp0% it gives me the build path .

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