in Getting started by

I followed all the steps on how to compile the first application on STM32F469 Discovery with embeded wizard,

on the devenv file , the gccvar.bat couldn't be openned and I can't move  on the Examples folder,

 "The system cannot find the path specified " 

1 Answer

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Hi, it seems that you started the script 'StartBuildEnvironment.bat' as Administrator (with explicit admin rights).

What happens if you just start the script with a double click from Explorer?

Hi , yes i opened the file as Administrator . 
when I open the file with double click , the cmd window disappear fast  . I can capt the result.


I'm sorry - I cannot read it - it is too small...

Can you first open a command shell (as regular user), then change into the directory /Build and start the batch file StartBuildEnvironment.bat from command line? Then you can read the error message...

yes i tried this method, even i changed on the system advanced seeting the path of Environment variables because there was a problem that 'cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file .it is the same problem that appeared on the last photo.


Je vous remercie pour votre réponse Monsieur, 

Je suis encore soif pour tourner EWs on my STM32F469NI,

I followed all the instructions, it seems that the problem is on the line of cd ../Examples because when I run the program the problem appears saying that the system cannot find the path specified .

Also, I put the directory of gcc-arm-none-eabi and STM32Cube_FW_F4 on the same directory of the bach file StartBuildEnvironment , because when i tried to check these directories's path I remarked that the system is looking for these directories on the %~dp0% (the path of th bach file) 

What i have to add or to do? 

Thank you again for your help.



Well, this sounds strange... Please note, that the provided Build Environment and the Getting Started document are tested many many many times - and there should be no need to make adpatations within some script files.

Can you please check, that all the software packages are located somewhere within your {UserDocumentFolder} - is this the case?

Is your {UserDocumentFolder} the origin location provided by Windows or did you manually change the location (e.g. to another drive)?

what did you mean with {UserDocumentFolder} please?

For me I created a new folder on the Desktop named STM32 and on it I put the 3 folder as mentioned on the Getting Started document. And it doesn't work.

with {UserDocumentFolder} I mean the folder that Windows is using as your Documents folder, e.g. C:/Users/YourName/Documents

Is it moved to another location / another drive?

When I open the command Promot the path is C:/Users/MyName>

So do you mean that I have to put the folder of STM32 under that path ?
Please give it a try - I got some feedback that under Windows10 this might be an issue...
ok I am copying folders under this path and I will try again, and tell you . thank you for your help.

This is the same problem that let me put the gcc folder and the stmCube on the Build folder : and even i try to see the path with echo %~dp0% it gives me the build path .

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