in Getting started by

Hey there,

I'm trying to flash the Master Demo provided in the zip file from the Getting started with NXP MCUs: LPCXpresso54628 (embedded-wizard.de) page to my LPCXpresso54628 development board. To do this, I simply remove the J5 jumper, connect the microUSB cable to the J8 port (Debug Link) as stated in the instructions from the Getting Started page, and lastly I execute the FlashMasterDemo.bat file stored in the aforementioned zip.

However, I get the following error message:

Programming file 'EmbeddedWizard-LPCXpresso54628.elf' to target using MCUXpresso IDE Redlink Programmer ...
flashing target ...
Ns: MCUXpresso IDE RedlinkMulti Driver v11.6 (Oct  3 2022 08:09:13 - crt_emu_cm_redlink.exe build 9)
Pc: (  0) Reading remote configuration
Wc(03). No cache support.
Nc: Found chip XML file in C:\Users\arandiamartφnez.p\Downloads\LPCXpresso54628-BuildEnvironment-V12.00.00.01\LPCXpresso54628\Application\FlashDownload\\LPC54628J512.xml
Pc: (  5) Remote configuration complete
Nc: Restarted LinkServer process (PID 20260).
Nc: Reconnected to existing LinkServer process.
Nc: Server OK but no connection to probe 0 core -2(ANY) (after 3 attempts) - Ee(42). Could not connect to core.
Ed:02: Failed on connect: Ee(42). Could not connect to core.
Et:31: No connection to chip's debug port
Pc: (100) Target Connection Failed

ERROR - flashing failed

Press any key to continue . . .

Can anyone help me out here?

I noticed that my user name has an accent (can't do much about that, the email was provided to me by my employer), which gets changed to a φ symbol in my user. I don't think this is what's causing the issue, but I thought it was worth mentioning, just in case.


Thank you.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi Paula,

can you try to store the entire Build Environment in a directory with a simple and short path e.g. C:\NXP\LPCXpresso54628 and try it again? I assume that there went something wrong in the flash tool with the current path.

Let me know if it works...

Best regards,



Hello Manfred, thank you for answering.

I've encountered the same problem even after simplifying the route:

Programming file 'EmbeddedWizard-LPCXpresso54628.elf' to target using MCUXpresso IDE Redlink Programmer ...
flashing target ...
Ns: MCUXpresso IDE RedlinkMulti Driver v11.6 (Oct  3 2022 08:09:13 - crt_emu_cm_redlink.exe build 9)
Pc: (  0) Reading remote configuration
Wc(03). No cache support.
Nc: Found chip XML file in C:\EmbeddedWizard_LPCXpresso54628\Application\FlashDownload\\LPC54628J512.xml
Pc: (  5) Remote configuration complete
Nc: Restarted LinkServer process (PID 24508).
Nc: Reconnected to existing LinkServer process.
Nc: Server OK but no connection to probe 0 core -2(ANY) (after 3 attempts) - Ee(42). Could not connect to core.
Ed:02: Failed on connect: Ee(42). Could not connect to core.
Et:31: No connection to chip's debug port
Pc: (100) Target Connection Failed

ERROR - flashing failed

Press any key to continue . . .


Hi Paula,
another solution could be to do a full chip erase (mass erase) first using MCUXpresso IDE (GUI flash tool) for example.

Thanks Martin, I will try this. Could you cite some kind of documentation regarding this process?

Are there any risks involved in doing this?
Hi Paula,

I just verified it once more with a fresh Windows10 installation and it works as expected.

I can reproduce the same error when the board is not connected. Can you please double check the USB connection and verify that the board is detected by Windows?

Best regards,


Hi Manfred,

I checked the Device Manager and realized that the CMSIS-DAP was not showing up in the Human Interface Devices list. I then followed this tutorial (https://www.nxp.com/document/guide/getting-started-with-the-lpcxpresso54628-development-board:GS-OM13098) step by step and everything has been solved, the Embedded Wizard demo UI is up and running again. I guess I had messed up the debug probe firmware.


Thank you for your help

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