Hello Tinus,
It's still odd that Filter Screen does not seem to work, although if it did I think it might also make my system run out of memory considering the screen resolution.
unfortunately Filter Screen also requires additional memory. Even more memory because it also needs a temporary off-screen frame buffer with the content of the screen background. This buffer acts as the 'source image' to blur. How much memory is needed is in fact not as easy to calculate. Assuming you want to filter an area of 100x100 pixel then the algorithm would allocate approximately:
1. 100x100x4 Bytes (~40 kB) for a temporary off-screen frame buffer containing the screen area to filter. This will act as source image.
2. (100+B*2)x100x4 for the intermediate buffer. B is blur radius. With blur radius = 8 it would occupy ~45 kB.
The intermediate buffer is used to store the source image blurred row-wise. Then the intermediate blurred rows are blurred again, now columns-wise, and the results are alpha-blended into the final (destination) frame buffer. This approach is optimized for performance.
Well, blur is an expensive filter. According to the above estimation the blur would require temporarily ~85 kB RAM for the 100x100 pixel area. Now the interesting question, how much RAM is available in RA6M3G system? Unfortunately this question is beyond my knowledge. I have to ask my colleagues.
A hint: using the Memory (RAM) Usage window, you can observe the RAM usage at the prototyping time.
Best regards
Paul Banach