I've created one class, say Application::ScreenSwitchClas.
Inside of this ScreenSwitchClass I've added the following members as follows
1. screen_name property of type Core::Group
2. key_code property of type int32 ( It'll be updated from Application::DeviceClass)
3. screen_switch method
screen_switch(screen_name, key_code)
screen_name = ScreenSwitchClass.screen_name;
key_code = ScreenSwitchClass.key_code;
if(key_code == 5)
SwitchToDialog( screen_name, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false );
4. So now I'm adding this ScreenSwitchClass as an object inside of one component class ScreenA, and I'm giving values for the properties I've added by affecting this ScreenSwitchClass object and in the inspector window I'm giving the values.
5. screen_name = Application::ScreenB, key_code = 5
6. While running the prototype I'm getting errors like
SwitchToDialog Call to an unknown method(This is due to I've not inherited the ScreenSwitchClass as SuperClass of Core::Group)
So that I've created one variable fake_owner of type Core::Group inside of ScreenSwitchClass and used that variable inside of screen_switch method as follows
fake_owner.SwitchToDialog( screen_name, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false );
7. Now while running the prototyper it shows that the fake_owner is in null object.
8. I need help to implement the Owner relationship from component class to a normal class without inheriting the SuperClass property with Core::Group, So that I can able to add this ScreenSwitchClass object inside of all Application classes just to configure the key_code and screen_name.
9. How to make this ScreenSwitchClass as a generic object so as to configure the screen_name and key_code as given as inputs, so it'll the process the screen switch from one screen to another screen
10. If this kind of approach is possible, then no need of writing more slot methods inside of Application classes, so that user can just add as many as ScreenSwitchClass object for various key_code and various screen_name within the same Application::ScreenClass
Kindly suggest some ideas
Thanks & Regards
Dinesh Thirumaran