in System Integration by


I have been using the Embedded wizard for a many time.

I'm porting EW to a new board today and running into a problem I've never seen before.

I configured a 480 x 800 screen for testing as above and verified it as a Prototype in EW.


However, all you actually see on the screen is a Rectangle item with four different colors.

I can't see the text that should appear above the color. I've also tried putting in an image or line to test it, but I see the same issue.


I think I made a mistake during the porting process, but where should I check to resolve this issue?

I used STM32F767.



1 Answer

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to narrow down the possible error source I would check the console outputs (stdout). Are there any error messages displayed?

Best regards

Paul Banach
Delete and re-add the Platform Package, make some minor modifications to the ewconfig file, and then it works fine.

I don't know what the cause was, but thank you for your reply.

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