in GUI Development by


We use a font called FontAwesome in many of our applications in order to treat many of our icons as characters rather than images.  I have the .ttf file installed on my developement computer, but when I attempt to use it in Embedded Wizard all that shows up are empty squares.  Is there anything I can do to make this font work properly?



1 Answer

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I suppose, the problem is related to the font resource attribute Ranges. You have to specify explicitly the character codes to import from the font otherwise the default character (usually the box) is displayed. See also the section Specify the text.

Best regards



Thanks so much Paul.  That led me in the right direction.  Here are two screenshots of how it worked exactly in case anyone else needs it :

Here is the Resource file where I added the FontAwesome Font Resource :


Here is a View::Text which implements the font with its String value :

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