in GUI Development by


I'm tryng to modify the Diagram in the climate cabinet Example.

I thought that like the graph component, i can simply add a Temperature value to the graph and display it.

I see that ther is a "Actual Temperature" observer, the idea was to link the observer to a slot method that adds a point to the graph when the value of the temperature gets updated from the Device component, and further move the green slider with the last point added.

What could be a solution?


1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Riccardo,

the graph in the ClimateCabinet example presents a time bar over a given curve (the heating and cooling process) to indicate the passed time and the preceding time.

Before trying to adapt a certain example, it would be good to define what exactly you want to display. Is it a static curve? Do you want to present some measured values as a graph? Should the graph update as soon as new values are available? Should the graph move? Is the user able to move/zoom the graph? ...

You will find several different examples (Climate Cabinet, Waveform Generator, Pulse Oximeter, Oscilloscope, ...) delivered with Embedded Wizard Studio - each with different types of graphs. Depending on your use-case it might be helpful to study a certain example.

Best regards,


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