I've created a screen as a Core::Group class as Application::Homescreen. In this class I've added a timer with period of 3000ms, so it should need to trigger a slot. Inside the slot I'm setting Timer.Enabled = false and I've added SwitchtoDialog(new Application::MenuScreen) within this slot.
Inside of Init method I'm setting Timer.Enabled = true. So after 3000ms the timer triggers the slot method and the current Homescreen is changing to MenuScreen. Later I noticed this behaviour, that is, the slot method is been triggered twice. How I found this one in the sense, I've added trace "Init is happened"; inside of Init on the first line itself. And I've added breakpoint on the first line of the slot. So after 3000ms the slot got triggered and prototyper got paused. And after I resumed the prototyper, again this slot method got triggered. And in debug window I got trace "Init is happened"; twice. This behaviour is happening for every screen and due to this our project scope of adding new screens, It's getting Init for two times whenever switched from one screen to another. I want to Init the screen for the first time only, and it should not happen again as twice.
Thanks & Regards
Dinesh Thirumaran