in GUI Development by
Hello Ew Team and others,

I have a strange error in my application. When I enter something in my TextInput Field, it suddenly turns some letters into two.

Example: I enter on the keyboard: "Hello, it works without errors!", but the text field then says: "Helloo, it worrks without eerrors!", so to speak, it takes some letters twice in the input.

How can I fix the error?

I hope my question is understandable.

Best regards,


2 Answers

0 votes
Hello Justin,

do you observe the issue in Prototyper or in the target system?

Best regards

Paul Banach
Good Morning Paul,

I got the error on my target system. In the prototyper everything works without problems. When I type "This is a test and it works" it says exactly that.

So, the "double entry" only happens on the target system, for whatever reason.

Best regards

Hi Justin,

this indicates that the issue is related to the keyboard input device in the target. Since target specific aspects are beyond my competence I will contact my colleague to support you further.

Best regards

0 votes
Hi Justin,

in case the error happens only on the target, please let us know which target you are using and how you provide the keyboard inputs.

Best regards,


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