in GUI Development by

Hello, i rotate a needle as bitmap on a tachometer as bitmap.

In EW everything seems fine, but when flashing on target i get flicker effects:

with effects:


even the icon on the left side get effected.

I tried also rotating needle with setting tachometer invisable, in that case there are no effects.

Seems like performance issues ? 

What can i do to avoid this effects ?


Thank you for helping.

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Pablo,

please provide more details about your target, the display, the system configuration, .... otherwise it is not possible to provide helpful advices.

Best regards,

Im using NXP.iMX_RT.Index8 platform package.


Default conversion mode of Bitmap Resources: Compressed

Estimated total memory (flash) usage: 2000 KB

Total size of all generated files: 13389 KB


Controller : IMX1064

Display:  5" TFT color display; 800x480
Manufacturer: Powertip Tech. Corop, Taichung, Taiwan
Type: PH800480T030-ZHL

My screen has 3 tachometer which 3 needles which rotate.

Reducing them also reduce the flicker effects

The data to rotate the needles comes every 100ms


Any idea ?
Thanks for the additional information.

Can you share some video so that we can see the flickering issue? There are a couple of different effects that are described as flickering.

Additional question: Why are you using the Index8 color format on the iMXRT1064 target? Most of the drawing operations have to be done by CPU.

Best regards,

Can i send it to you in an private email cause of data privacy ?

We using Index8 cause of no external flash, so we not have enough space.
Sure, please send it to support@embedded-wizard.de

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