in GUI Development by


I have a problem that occurs when using the native fade transition between two dark windows. The screen seem to fade towards white during the transition, resulting in what looks like a quick bright flash. The effect doesn't show up in the prototyper.

For context, all colors are variants depending on the dark mode style. This problem occurs while dark mode is active. I use SwitchToDialog together with a 250 ms FadeInOutTransition.

All suggestions on how to fix it is much appreciated!

1 Answer

0 votes

Please let us know which color format you are using and which target you are using.

Can you provide a simple example that demonstrates the issue?

Best regards,

I feel silly now, since I've had this problem for months and solved it the day after I finally asked about it. The problem was a background asset not updating when color mode changed.

Thank you for the fast response.

Kind regards
Ok, this explains the cause of the issue.... So the blending was over a light background.

Thanks for sharing the solution!

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