in Getting started by


I'd like to use IAR EWARM for the Embedded Wizard demo project.

I'm using STM32F769i-Disco board and I need to store the string constants, bitmap resources and font resources in the external QSPI flash.

But I looks like the flash downloader integrated in IAR Embedded Workbench doesn't support this QSPI flash.

I've noticed that there is a way to utilize STM32CubeProgrammer for my purpose.

  • For more convenience the STM32CubeProgrammer can be integrated to IAR Embedded Workbench as an external tool.
  • Command and argument are as follows:
  • $PROJ_DIR$\..\..\FlashDownload\FlashDownload.cmd
  • $TARGET_PATH$ separateConsole

But I don't know how to configure the STM32CubeProgrammer as an external tool.

It would be appreciated if you could explain how to do it.




1 Answer

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Hi Wonho,

please build the project with IAR workbench as described in our documentation. Now, the STM32CubeProgrammer can be integrated to IAR Embedded Workbench as an external tool:

  • Open 'Tools' - 'Configure Tools...'
  • Add a Menu Text, e.g. 'Flash'
  • Set Command to '$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\FlashDownload\FlashDownload.cmd'
  • Set Argument to '$TARGET_PATH$ separateConsole
Now you can use the new menu item 'Flash' that will be placed in IAR 'Tools' menu in order to flash the binary in the same manner as it is done with our makefile.
Does it work?
Best regards,
Hi Manfred,

I wanted to express my gratitude for your swift assistance; indeed, everything is functioning as expected.

Additionally, I have one more inquiry:

Upon completing the flash memory programming, I presently find it necessary to manually click the 'Debug without Downloading' button in order to initiate debugging.

Is there a streamlined method to enable both flash programming and debugging with a single click?

Your guidance is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Hi WonHo,

I'm not aware of such a method. But I think it is also  convenient to start several debug sessions without flashing.

Best regards,

I see.

Thanks for your support!


Best regards,


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