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Is there anyone who have managed to link ADC with gauge? Is there any examples related to this topic?


1 Answer

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connecting ADC with a gauge sounds interesting...

Unfortunatley, there is no out-of-the-box sample application available for that.
But: The articles Integrating with the device and Device Class and Device Driver explain the necessary theory. The sample 'DeviceIntegration' which is part of the different Build Environments provide a good starting point for you.

So the remaining question is just how to access the ADC - for this topic let me refer to one of the samples provided with the MCU firmware.

Which target are you using? Maybe someone can share a running sample...


Hi there,

Im using STM32F746G. 

I have managed to start the ADC in polling mode and link it to the gauge.

But I'm struggling to make adc work with multi channel DMA.

I have managed to make DMA multichannel ADC work in  AC6.

But when i integrate the source code i have error:

This is my project:


I think the problem is in make file.




I am also trying to implement the ADC and the Timmer into my project but really facing problems as it compiles without any error but not getting any values. FYI I am using Keil as my toolchain to do the integration part. I would be great to get some help on the ADC as you were able to implement the same.


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