in Platform Packages by
Hi EW Friends,

Is there any plan about supporting multi-thread rendering in your future release?

We are urging to this feature, because some times gpu is not available to us,  while we have multi cpu could be used for rendering. Sadly , as far as I know, ew now does not support multi thread for rendering.

Do you have some idea about this feature?



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Hello Arnold,

in fact when designing the Graphics Engine we have foreseen the possibility of performing multiple rendering operations. This, however, only for a special case of an application containing multiple, separate drawing destinations. For example, multiple buffered GUI components. Then each component could independently render its own contents into its local off-screen buffer. Using multi-threading for rending inside the same drawing destination is not possible. The afford to split, coordinate and synchronize the operations is too complex.

Nevertheless, the mentioned possibility to render multiple drawing destination has never became practical application and it was never tested. In the meantime we enhanced the Graphics Engine significantly and modified a lot of original concepts so I'm afraid that to revive this original functionality will result in a complex redesign of the Graphics Engine. So I don't think we will add multi-threading rending in near feature.

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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