in GUI Development by
Hello, I am working on STM32MP135f-dk board. I am running make command but it's not working, it shows.

fatal error: XDisplayInfoHeader.h: No such file or directory, this error. How to solve it?

1 Answer

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Hi pooja,

there should only be the type XDisplayInfo that is defined in ew_bsp_display.h. XDisplayInfoHeader.h is unknown for me.
Which Version of Embedded Wizard and which Build Environment are you using?
For a detailed description how to start with the STM32MP135F-DK2 Discovery Kit please refer to Getting started with STM MPUs: STM32MP1 - Software - DRM.


I am using embedded wizard studio version 12.05 and STM32MP1 - OpenGL - Wayland build environment. I am build hello world example in STM32MP135-dk board.

can you please post the entire error message that you get?

And: Please make sure to follow exactly all steps that are mentioned in the Getting Started document.

Best regards,



Here I am sharing screenshot of error message.  yes I am follow all the steps. 




please note, that the STM32MP135 does not support OpenGL - therefore we recommended to follow the document Getting started with STM MPUs: STM32MP1 - Software - DRM. You cannot use the OpenGL Wayland package.

Furthermore, there must be some version mix or own modifications. There is no #include "XDisplayInfoHeder.h" in ewmain.c. Please ensure to download the suitable Build Environment that is mentioned in the Getting Started document.

Best regards,



Okay, all the steps are looking same in Software DRM and OpenGl wayland pacakage. I can't diffrenciate between them can you diffrenciate ?

The difference ist not the description - the difference is the software package! The Build Environment that can be downloaded from the Getting Started page is completely different.

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