in Getting started by

I am working on stm32mp135f-dk board. I have shared the window folder with ubuntu as follow this step.

Change into the subfolder /Application/Project of the shared directory of the Embedded Wizard Build Environment.

when i am edit the file using this path cd /mnt/hgfs/STM32MP1/Application/Project this shows permission denied error.

how i can edit in the file.



1 Answer

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are you using a virtual machine on your Windows PC? Or do you have another environment - please try to describe more detailed what you have done and what you get. Otherwise it is difficult to provide helpful support.

Best regards,


yes, I am using virtual machine on windows PC and using ubuntu in virtual machine. I am follow  all the instructions from 

Getting started with STM MPUs: STM32MP1 - OpenGL - Wayland this document. Now I am on 

Change into the subfolder /Application/Project of the shared directory of the Embedded Wizard Build Environment.

cd /mnt/hgfs/STM32MP1/Application/Project this step. Here I  want to edit files but its shows permission denied. 


Hello Pooja.

Concerning the access to a shared directory, please check the documentation of the virtual machine you are using. Our description was based on using VMWare.

Concerning the Getting Started document: As mentioned already in another thread, the STM32MP135F does not contain a GPU that supports OpenGL. If you are really using the STM32MP135-DK board, please use the document Getting started with STM MPUs: STM32MP1 - Software - DRM and download the corresponding Build Environment.

Best regards,



Now I am using Getting started with STM MPUs: STM32MP1 - Software - DRM this document it also shows same error for editing file . can you help for editing file?

Concerning the access to a shared directory, please check the documentation of the virtual machine you are using. Our description was based on using VMWare.
I am also using VMWare.

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