in Embedded Wizard Studio by
I am working on the graph implementation using Charts::Graph component. It is a line chart. I need to customize the axis scaling to have non-equal have distances ( Eg: 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000). Is it possible to have the scaling like this?

1 Answer

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Hello Tharanya,

the Charts::Graph component is deprecated and the unit Charts was removed since version 11 of Embedded Wizard Studio. 

Of course, you can implement your own graph class that fulfills your mentioned requirements. According to the requirements, it might be better to use a Graph template or to create your own graph component based on vector graphics.

You will find several different examples (Climate Cabinet, Waveform Generator, Pulse Oximeter, Oscilloscope, ...) delivered with Embedded Wizard Studio - each with different types of graphs. Let me recommend to have a look on these examples and then create your own implementation according to your needs.

Best regards,


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