in GUI Development by
Hi Tara,

Recently we had to solve a problem in a component used to display Chinese characters that is made using attributed text. The complaint was that the text would wrap in a strange way and only where space character 0x0020 occurs. Our fix was to introduce the silent soft hyphen character '^' at some regular intervals in the Chinese strings. This does seem to work reasonably well.. although it seems expensive to visit each character in the string to append the extra '^'. We wondered was there a better way to solve this kind of problem for Chinese where word spacing is not like in Western languages.



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Hello Niall,

We wondered was there a better way to solve this kind of problem for Chinese where word spacing is not like in Western languages.

the text wrap occurs at space characters or at explicitly dedicated signs like soft hyphen only. There is no other automatism to detect language specific wrap candidates.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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